"OWL" Be Yours Forever...

My middle child went through the Guardians of Ga'Hoole (Legends of the Guardians) phase. She read the books ferociously, and even joined an OWL drawing contest with Aaron Brothers soliciting many to rate her illustration. She didn't win but she had great fun. Thus inspiring me to make Barn OWL plushies myself. I've never made a plushie before but I thought it would be easy since they're mainly basic shapes: rectangle (rounding off the edges) for the body, circles for the eyes, cone/circle for the beak, and heart for the face. That's how my kids learned how to draw, with basic shapes which I just discovered can be applied to sewing, too! I used old sweaters/sweatshirts/scraps, nothing bought. And I stuffed them with used fabric softener sheets. After every laundry (which I do a lot of), I saved those softener sheets--enough to stuff a small plushie. I also have this iron-on adhesive since forever. I've made several projects with this one roll. A...