our little green CHRISTMAS tree

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. ~ Burton Hills Finals are over (yay!), #dahub's off from work for a week (hurrah!), Christmas music is filling the room (yes!) We just need a tree! But I wasn't going to buy a tree. I was determined to be "green" altho' I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to pull it off, and if the kids will like it. I had something else in mind but that didn't work out. So bummed. So I had to think fast. For some reason, I only get ideas in the spur of the moment. It drives me crazy. It drives other people crazi--er! I've been in the process of purging, storing, giving away, etc. It's a long process...especially for a pack rat who thinks she can upcycle everything. Well, books are all over the place...the hallway, the living room, the bedroom, even the restroom. Aiya! A solution came to mind (I've seen it before but keep forgetting.) ...