
Showing posts from July, 2010

Upcycled Hall Passes

"You Shall NOT Pass..." ~Gandalf, the Grey Mr. Philpot, Taylor's & Diego's 3rd grade teacher, is one of most frugal and economical, eco-friendly teacher I know. He takes the bus to school, doesn't own a car, always brought his lunch, and he never waste anything. And one thing he didn't have was a hall pass that could stand the children's rough handling.  He always replacing them. I've been meaning to make him two hall passes from the beginning of school as a Christmas gift, birthday gift, teacher appreciation but never got around it until the last day of school. I'm such a procrastinator!  I worked on it on the last day of school, literally! So, here's what I did: - Think of a theme - Gather all materials  Materials I used (most of these things you find around the house): - old Star Wars Valentine's cards - stickers: Star Wars, Toy Story, alphabet  - cardstock & different shades of scrap paper - teacher...


Leadership is based on a spiritual quality; the power to inspire, the power to inspire others to follow.  ~Vince Lombardi So yeah, I haven't posted any projects lately.  I've been yearning to do so but I've been busy doing our church's Kids Camp , driving the kids to and from their fun activities while trying to clean up a big mess in our home. It's like the major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico--can't seem to control it! Paperwork all over -- I'm re-organizing! Anyway, one of Taylor's mentor/youth leader's birthday was coming up and we almost always miss it because we're always out of town.  So just before Taylor left for the East Coast and we to Kids Camp, we put together a crafty gift for her.  Taylor did most of the work.  I just learned how to crochet last May at the Maker Faire so I'm still learning. She crochet these little doilies (is that what you call them?) with Ms. Dana's favorite colors (based on observing her.) I had th...