Leadership is based on a spiritual quality; the power to inspire, the power to inspire others to follow. ~Vince Lombardi
So yeah, I haven't posted any projects lately. I've been yearning to do so but I've been busy doing our church's Kids Camp, driving the kids to and from their fun activities while trying to clean up a big mess in our home. It's like the major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico--can't seem to control it! Paperwork all over -- I'm re-organizing!
Anyway, one of Taylor's mentor/youth leader's birthday was coming up and we almost always miss it because we're always out of town. So just before Taylor left for the East Coast and we to Kids Camp, we put together a crafty gift for her. Taylor did most of the work. I just learned how to crochet last May at the Maker Faire so I'm still learning.
So yeah, I haven't posted any projects lately. I've been yearning to do so but I've been busy doing our church's Kids Camp, driving the kids to and from their fun activities while trying to clean up a big mess in our home. It's like the major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico--can't seem to control it! Paperwork all over -- I'm re-organizing!
Anyway, one of Taylor's mentor/youth leader's birthday was coming up and we almost always miss it because we're always out of town. So just before Taylor left for the East Coast and we to Kids Camp, we put together a crafty gift for her. Taylor did most of the work. I just learned how to crochet last May at the Maker Faire so I'm still learning.
She crochet these little doilies (is that what you call them?) with Ms. Dana's favorite colors (based on observing her.)
I had the easy job. I just went to my collection of beads and buttons and pick the ones that will fit best.
Picking an earth toned satin ribbon to go with it was a whiz.
Then I sewed the doilie with the ribbon attaching the buttons at the same time.
Voila! A charming bib necklace made with LOTS of LOVE and care!
It's best worn on a bare neck, but it was too cold for Taylor to model it that early summer morning.
Happy Birthday, Ms. Dana. You're the best! Thank you for always taking the time to bond with my not-so-little girl any more. We love you!
I was able to take a quick photo of them before they took off to see Toy Story 3 to celebrate her graduation and her birthday. We hope you like your gift.
I hope to post more soon. Happy Crafting with your children (or not =.)
I hope to post more soon. Happy Crafting with your children (or not =.)
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