Let's FACE it!

“A logo should look just as good in 15-foot letters on top of company headquarters as it does one sixteenth of an inch tall on company stationery.” ~Steven Gilliatt I need a break from cleaning/re-organizing/purging/sorting! I'm giving up sewing for several days unless it's absolutely necessary (like putting a button on). I told myself, "You can NOT sew until you finish cleaning up a room!" Meaning giving away things that are no longer needed! This will take forEVER! For me, everything will be needed later. Way later... So, okay, I was doing really well. Books, toys, craft kits, clothes were slowly but surely leaving the girls' room. One of the things that was already in the give-away bag was a bucketful of pegboard beads. And here I thought, "Didn't I just donate some the other week to SCRAP ?" Well, there's more. My kids are so done with these beads. Time to give it ALL up! OR so I thought. Until...I happened to see this innovative ...