Let's FACE it!

“A logo should look just as good in 15-foot letters on top of company headquarters as it does one sixteenth of an inch tall on company stationery.”  ~Steven Gilliatt 

I need a break from cleaning/re-organizing/purging/sorting! I'm giving up sewing for several days unless it's absolutely necessary (like putting a button on). I told myself, "You can NOT sew until you finish cleaning up a room!" Meaning giving away things that are no longer needed! This will take forEVER!  For me, everything will be needed later. Way later...

So, okay, I was doing really well. Books, toys, craft kits, clothes were slowly but surely leaving the girls' room. One of the things that was already in the give-away bag was a bucketful of pegboard beads. And here I thought, "Didn't I just donate some the other week to SCRAP?" Well, there's more. My kids are so done with these beads. Time to give it ALL up!

OR so I thought.  

Until...I happened to see this innovative yet VERY simple craft project at Cut Out & Keep. I fell in love with the idea. I figured it doesn't require sewing and it's not that messy. Plus I had a great idea!  
So I ran back to the give-away bag, and grab the tub of pegboard beads. While the boys were out, it gave us girls another reason to "hang" on a busy school night as we sort out the beads after dinner. It was actually relaxing, therapeutic. Can you guess what I had in mind? Think LOGO.
Did you guess it? The FB logo! So simple and so easy!
So the girls and I happily worked & talked together. Beats being on Facebook =.)
What do you think?  Does it resemble the logo?  Not bad, eh?

Well, I ironed it but it was too hot for too long!
It's not supposed to fused too closely! **Sigh**
That's okay.  I can do another one later.  The girls & I kept talking and sorting even after the project was done.  I'm planning on making a Target logo sometime soon.  When time allows me, of course. 

Let's face it, we need to do something creative everyday because we're intricately created by the Creator. It's innate. We're born to create.

So go.  Make one.  Create something.  And let me see what you've done.  I'm sure you have some of these beads around.

Happy creating...


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