My Young Valentino

Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an what you say, in the way you live, in your LOVE, your faith, and your purity. ~1 Timothy 4:12
My girls made these shaved-crayon-ironed-between-wax-paper hearts when they were much younger and I'm finally doing something with them.  I've been saving it for much too long.  Delia Creates' recent post just gave me the brilliant idea.  They are now "floating" in our living room.  And I intend to keep it up for a long time.  It "warms" up the place, and my heart, as I remember when my girls made them---a big mess.
On Sunday afternoon, my son started making give-aways for his class of 28 for Valentine's Day which is the following day.

He was going to make paper cranes but it was a little complicated and time-consuming.  After browsing through his Origami Kit, we decided to make these little boxes. 
 Of course, I helped him, and got into it.  I always loved folding papers.  Quite therapeutic.
  It was so easy, and looked so beautiful after making so many of them.
They almost look like a quilt.
After making so many, he was getting tired.
 Here comes the fun part.
 Packing M&Ms in mini-ziplock bags, and having some for himself. are we going to keep from falling out of their boxes?
Well, I have a boxful of old Valentine cards.  Got those and trimmed them to fit.
 They helped secure the little packs in the handmade origami boxes.
 Now, he's ready to deliver.  They are truly "Made With Love."
We hope you had a good Valentine's.  Our men gave special gifts to us, girls.  Little man bought the girls their favorite candy bar, and made me a precious handmade card (my favorite!).  Hubby took everyone out to dinner (Indian food) SANS MOI!  I was sick in bed that evening.  But I'm planning to have a belated V-date with the hubs, you better believe it.  And it has to be Indian food =.)
LOVE never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. ~1 Corinthians 13:7


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