"Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them." ~Richard L. Evans

Six years ago, we had a Red Party for my son's 2nd birthday. Everything was red.  From our invitation to our food: watermelon, lasagna, fruit punch. We had a lot of red items so it was easy to plan. For favors, we put together MY RED BOOK. I had my 2 older girls (then 7 & almost 5 years old) draw pictures of anything naturally red.  They did most of the work.  I just assembled them.

They had a great time brainstorming and drawing simple images that came in red.

Like a crab (when it's cook, of course.)

A Robin (ever heard of the book, The Round Robin?)

Photocopy on 8.5x11 white paper.  Believe it or not, I did not have any working computer at that time.  I overworked 2 iMacs but we had a copier that still works to this day. Cut in 1/4s, punch holes and assemble with brads.

Add any stickers that come in red (like these ladybugs)

You can use a red construction paper for front and back cover.

My girls handwrote about a dozen title pages.  I saved a couple of these books.  I think I only need one now.  So, I'm sending a copy to a new little friend of ours.

You can make these fun booklets in any color.  You can have a MY BLUE BOOK, MY GREEN BOOK, MY YELLOW BOOK, etc.  And it doesn't have to be hand drawn.  They can be photographs from magazines.  It's a great learning tool.  Inexpensive, interactive, interpersonal.  What else can you ask for?  Have fun creating with your little pumpkins.


  1. That reminds me of when I made a "color" book for my 2 year old with photos of him wearing and surrounded by all yellow objects for the yellow page, all blue for the blue page etc. It was fun to take the pictures and to find all the things in our house for each color! We put the photos in his own little photo book and he loved it.

  2. That is a great idea! So fun learning creatively with little ones. Thanks for sharing. Miss you LOTS!

  3. I did something like this too with the kids - only we did fruits of the spirit : ) My 7yr old daughter wants me to tell you she likes your Red Book.

  4. That's another great idea: Fruits of the Spirit. I'll remember that next time I work with the little ones.

  5. Please tell your 7 year old daughter: THANK YOU for liking my RED book. Tell her, too, that if she does something of a different color (and Mommy documents it), I'll post it in this blog so everyone can see it.


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