My creative husband who was born and raised in San Francisco has been on a hunt for quality vintage replica of the City's trolley route signs. But to no avail. They were either reproduced poorly or sold outrageously expensive ($1,000 range!) The idea of recreating his own was within reach but time-consuming. With his workplace sponsoring a fundraising effort for Haiti Relief, he took on the challenge and intricately reproduced the bus route sign he took as a young boy. He individually designed each type to match the original artwork. He's a perfectionist and cannot tolerate bad typography. After laboring many hours, it was ready to be printed on high quality canvas. After the ink has completely dried, he crumpled the beautiful 26.5x66" piece of art for an authentic look! Ugh...I couldn't stand it being beaten up. I was hired to punch the holes. Not the most exciting job, but someone's gotta do it. A...