“You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.” ~Abraham Lincoln 

"You're so tall!" A comment my kids are used to hearing but not necessarily endearing (esp. to my eldest).
"Yes, I am." Standing even taller.
"You should play basketball, be a model, be this, be that."
Big sigh...

Well, I've accepted the fact that my kids will always be very tall and long (for Asians anyway, and for their age =.) We have no qualms with that.  The only problem is that they grow out of their shirts/pants faster (lengthwise) and it's difficult to find outfits that fit them just right.  It's either too short or too loose.  Plus it gets expensive.

For a quick solution (time-permitting, of course) is, you guessed it, refashioning!

For instance, TC loves her Blue Marlin shirts but the sleeves and the waist were getting too short.  To revive it, I took one of her old shirts...

Cut off the sleeves and the waistline area...
 And added onto one of her Blue Marlin shirts.
Sewed on the sleeves, embellished with buttons, left a hole on each sleeve for the thumbs (to serve as "gauntlets" on cold days). 
I completed it by sewing up the bottom part together.
Voila...a newly "refashioned" shirt that fits!
She wore this the next day for her PE's iceskating day.  It kept her hands nice and warm.  It's an easy, fun and economical project to make but you have to know exactly what you want and have all your needed materials ready to go.  Otherwise, it can be time-consuming trying to figure out what to do.


  1. Oh my gosh!! You are so awesome!! How did you ever think of this? Love it!

  2. Kereina,
    Thanks for visiting. I've been extending my kids' clothes since they were little bec. they grow up so fast! This is the first time I took photos & posted them. I frequent craft blogs--one in particular "Ruffles & Stuff" (very time-consuming but so inspiring) which gave me the idea to share what I've been doing. It's lots of fun to make IF you don't mind the mess (which my husband does) and IF you can stay up all night.

    Come visit again. I've been unusually busy this month! It's really March Madness in our home.

    Your kids are growing up real fast! And they're so gorgeous, just like Mama & Daddy.


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