From Sweats to Something Useful

We live in a disposable society. It's easier to throw things out than to fix them. We even give it a name - we call it recycling. ~Neil LaBute

What do you do with torn sweatpants and old sweatshirts? Most of us use them as rags or just throw them out. Well, I have plenty to throw away if that's the case.

Instead of throwing them out , I made them into something useful and so easy to make potholders.  I tell you, it's faster than looming them.  I still have the kids' potholder looming kits.

First, cut off material to desired size from old sweatpants and/or shirts.  This was the girls' pants that Diego inherited that just didn't stand his activeness.
Then I sewed zigzag stitches all across 2 layers of sweat materials for thickness.  Choose any color of thread.  I was too lazy to change the thread to make it colorful.  I just want to get it done fast.
Then I took two of these loom materials from my kids' potholder kits.  You must have some somewhere, right?  If not, you can easily make one or go without them.
Quickly stitched them to the layered sweats.  They stay longer on the kitchen hooks.
No need to make things fancy...just stitch things together but neatly cut off any excess thread or frays.
Voila! A potholder in less than 15 minutes or so.  I made enough to last till the next wash.  So easy, fast, creative and no wasted materials. 
When you find some time and feeling creative, this could be one of your projects.  Of course, there's always some other things to do!  But if these potholders will make me a better cook, hey why not make more =.)  Happy cookin', y'all.


  1. I love all your creative flares! When I grow up, I want to be like you!


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