Pretty kNEAT...

Take your needle, my child, 
and work at your pattern;
It will come out a rose by and by.  
Life is like that - 
one stitch at a time taken patiently 
and the pattern will come out 
all right like the embroidery. 
~Oliver Wendell Holmes
My 11 yo made her own cool beanie,

A sweet little purse for a sweet little cousin, 
A nice warm scarf for a cute little girl (with a secret message knitted in it)
A dainty bracelet for another little friend,
And a wrap-around shawl for her favorite aunt.

  Her little cousin modeled it. (Auntie was not available to be photographed =.)
This past Christmas, she decided to make her own gifts rather than Mommy buying them for her and not knowing what she's giving.  "Next year, I'm starting in July," she exclaimed after realizing she couldn't do all the projects she excitedly wanted to make.
She thoroughly enjoyed making them but was so exhausted and was stressing out by Christmas Eve =.)  She learned a very important lesson that...
  She actually started making some gifts already today, Presidents' Day!  Never too early to start.


  1. Good for her! Wonderful she is using her talents as "gifts" : )


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